Steven David Recognized by The Indiana Lawyer with Diversity in Law Award

POST DATE: 10.12.23
Ccha  Mediation

Church Church Hittle and Antrim (CCHA Law) is pleased to highlight CCHA Law attorney Steven David, who was recently recognized by The Indiana Lawyer with the Diversity in Law Award for his efforts to diversify the legal profession across the state.

At their inaugural Diversity in Law event, The Indiana Lawyer recognized twenty-four men and women who are leading the way in their efforts to diversify the Indiana legal profession. The twenty-fourrecipients are attorneys and judges, who were selected through a nomination process to identify those making the largest impact throughout the state.


Steven David receiving Diversity in Law Award

Steven David is of Counsel at CCHA Law and focuses his work with the Mediation, Appellate, and Litigation practice groups. Steven’s long-established career includes serving on the Indiana Supreme Court from 2010-2022, twelve years as the Judge of the Boone County Circuit Court, and twenty-eight years of Military service. His career-long service has earned him many awards and recognitions including Indiana’s highest honor, the Sagamore of the Wabash, the Excellence in Public Information and Education award from the Indiana Judges Association, Presidential Citations from the Indiana State Bar Association, and numerous military medals and awards including the Defense Superior Service awarded by the Secretary of Defense.

Steve is committed to serving his community and gives back through a variety of volunteer roles including his membership on the Board of Directors of the Community Foundation of Boone County, serving on the Indiana State Bar Association’s Leadership Development Academy, planning committee, and active committee members of the Judges and Lawyer’s Assistance Program to name a few.

Image of Steven David on screen

The Open Conversations Program

One effort that led to Steve’s nomination for this award is his effort in developing the Open Conversations webinar program. Steven and his wife, Catheryne, wanted to create a unique program that offered a place to talk about race and racism with the goal of sharing experiences, listening, understanding, and learning from each other. “We wanted to create something that we and everyone who participated in or viewed could share and learn from. We wanted to meet people where they were and acknowledge that we all had much to learn, much to share,” Steve shared. “We did not want to be judgmental. We wanted to change the world, one person at a time.”

Steven asked Angka Hinshaw to help create the program as a co-host. Together they received support from the Indiana State Bar Association, law firms, legal organizations, and the Indiana law schools to produce the webinar program that encouraged candid dialogue about race and culture in the legal landscape. Each monthly webinar addressed hard-to-discuss topics impacting the legal community and invited Indiana legal professionals and guests to share experiences, perspectives, journeys, and challenges.

Steven David on stage at the Diversity in Law Awards Event

When The Indiana Lawyer asked Steven David what “diversity, equity, and inclusion’ meant to him, Steven shared that “it means everyone matters. It means that a person’s race, color, ethnic origin, sexual orientation or religious beliefs do not result in them being labeled unfairly or treated differently or discriminated against because of who they are.” In the Q&A, Steven also shared that he has been involved with DEI his entire life and finds the work important and necessary. “We have come so far as a nation and as a human race that we cannot slip or fall backward. Being anti-racist is something we must all strive to be.”

To read the full Q&A with Steven, we invite you to read The Indiana Lawyer’s website here.

CCHA Law is incredibly proud of Steven for his dedication to serving others through his commitment to equity, access, and leading important conversations in the legal community.