#CCHACares: The Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville

POST DATE: 4.17.23

CCHA Law is pleased to promote The Tom & Soni Sheehan Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville as a wonderful nonprofit organization doing great things in our community. We are also proud to share that CCHA Law attorney Kelleigh Fagan is the Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville Board President.

The Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville has provided programming to help build character for children and teens since 1951. The Club's mission is to inspire and enable young people to reach their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens.

Through a variety of programs and activities, the Club helps children and teens build confidence, develop skills, and discover their passions. Last year, the Club served over 1,800 members and no one was turned away because they could not afford the membership fee.

CCHA CARES The Boys and Girls Club of Noblesville

Kelleigh Fagan, Board President

CCHA Law’s Kelleigh Fagan explains why she got involved and what makes the Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville a great place for the community.

What's great about the Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville?

“It’s hard to answer this succinctly! Seeing the smiles on the kids' faces is hard to replace. But, none of that would be possible without the amazing staff at the Club. They put in a lot of hours and energy to giving the members the best experience possible.”

Why did you choose to get involved with the Boys & Girls Club? Do you have any special ties to the organization?

“Growing up in Noblesville, it was always a central part of the community. My sisters and I were all involved and played sports there; my dad coached and served on the Board; my mom was on the Ladies' Auxiliary. That background plus CCHA being a long-term supporter of the Club and having had other attorneys serve on the board led to my involvement. But above all that, everyone who has served before me and now me are doing so because it provides a safe place for kids in our community to go after school and on school breaks. We know the kids are learning and growing there because of the first-in-class staff and that hundreds of parents put their faith in the Club to keep their kids safe while they are there.”

How long have you been involved with the Boys & Girls Club?

“Since I was a kid! I spent a lot of time at the Club playing sports and both of my parents were very involved as well. I joined the board about eight years ago and spent the last two years prior as the Vice President and am currently the President.”

What opportunities have you had to make an impact in your role on the board and now as the board president?

“The collective Board makes a great impact on the Club every year through its fundraising and volunteer efforts. While board members don’t interact with the kids every day, our mission and the things we do always keeps them top of mind. And we do try to spend time in the Club to see how the Board’s work impacts the kids every day. We have had a number of initiatives since I have been on the board, including a capital campaign to build what is now the Club. The past few years have been focused on coming “back” from the pandemic. Once we returned to in-person, we had to limit the number of kids in the building but we are now starting to see full returns to normal. One of our focuses this year is getting our teens back in the Club, which has been slower to come back post-pandemic. We’re excited about the work the BGCN staff is doing with teens.”

Kids playing ping pong

About The Boys & Girls Club’s Services

One of the main goals of the Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville is to provide a safe and supportive environment where young people can grow and thrive. The Club offers a wide range of activities, from sports and fitness programs to arts and crafts, STEM activities, and academic support. Members can participate in team sports like basketball and volleyball, take part in dance and music classes, learn coding and robotics, and even take cooking classes.

The Club’s after-school program is especially popular among families in the area. Children and teens up to 12th grade can come to the Club after school to receive homework help, engage in educational activities, and spend time with friends. The program is staffed by trained professionals who work closely with kids to ensure they receive the support and guidance they need.

Another major initiative of the Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville is its summer programs. During the summer months, the Club offers a wide range of activities and trips to keep kids engaged and active. From exploring the great outdoors at Camp Crosser to community service projects, Club members have the opportunity to explore the Noblesville community, learn new skills, and make new friends.

Their “Why”

The Boys & Girls Club’s mission is to be dedicated to inspiring and enabling all young people to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens by promoting leadership, academic success, character, health, and physical development. The Club provides a sense of community for its members and aims to help young people who participate in the Club’s programs develop close relationships with their peers and staff members. The Club provides a positive and inclusive environment where all children and teens are welcome and can feel valued and supported.

Kids reading and learning outdoors

Facts to Know

The Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville has powerful and quantifiable contributions to kids and families in our community. Here are some facts to know:

  • 1,808 youth were members in 2022
  • The Club’s average daily attendance was 234 youth in 2022
  • 395 youth ages 6-18 took part in STEM programs
  • 650+ youth took part in the Club’s youth sports leagues
  • 100 well-balanced, nutritious dinners are provided twice a week through a partnership with Second Helpings
  • 150 healthy weekend snack packs are sent home weekly with our members
  • The annual membership fee is only $60 while the true cost of services per member is greater than $950
Kid playing a game at the Boy Girls Club of Noblesville

How to support The Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville

By providing a safe and nurturing environment where young people can grow and learn, The Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville is helping to shape the next generation of leaders and responsible citizens. If you are interested in supporting the Club’s mission or becoming a volunteer, visit their website here.