If you’ve been in a personal injury accident, mediation may offer a more cost-efficient, speedy and generally less stressful resolution to your case. CCHA is here to help prepare you for what to expect and how to get the most out of your mediation experience.
In mediation, the parties involved in a dispute are guided by a trained, neutral third party (the mediator), to help find a mutually-satisfying solution to the conflict at hand. Mediation is largely voluntary, until a dispute becomes a personal injury lawsuit; both parties must request it and a dispute settlement is only reached if and when both sides are in agreement.
The role of the mediator is not to make decisions or offer opinions; it is to facilitate a discussion between both parties resulting in a mutual agreement to settle the claim.
Generally informal, mediation is the time and place for parties to express their stance and view on the matter at hand. Anything said during mediation is private, thus not a matter of public record, in an effort to promote a genuine discussion of the issue with the hopes of finding a positive outcome without the high costs of litigation and court intervention.
After agreeing to participate in mediation, attorneys for both parties agree on several factors, including but not limited to who to utilize as the mediator, where to meet and other logistical details.
Here is the common process to expect during mediation:
The mediator uses information gathered from both parties — without divulging information shared in confidence— to influence each party to change positions on the matter to the extent an agreed-upon outcome can be reached.
Agreements reached during mediation are signed, thus making the agreement enforceable in the court of law. If a solution is not agreed upon, the case will either proceed to court, or if litigation is already pending, the case will move forward as planned.
To help increase the likelihood of mediation success, there are a series of steps you can take to best prepare for mediation, as follows:
CCHA provides alternative dispute resolution services in a variety of contexts. CCHA mediators are registered to assist with both civil and family law cases, and have experience mediating disputes regarding labor and employment; personal injury; divorce, custody, and modification; and commercial disputes. Our practitioners excel at facilitating the exploration of alternatives to foster a mutually agreeable settlement for the parties.