Church Church Hittle and Antrim (CCHA Law) is pleased to highlight CCHA Law attorney Julia Church Kozicki, who was recently recognized for her commitment and leadership to the Lions Club. In July, Julia was elected as the Lions Club District Governor at the 105th Lions Club International Convention.
Julia joined the Lions Club in 2019 and was quickly elected as the club’s Vice President. During her years of service, she served as the Noblesville club President and moved up to serve at the district level as Women’s Membership Chair, 2nd Vice District Governor, and 1st Vice District Governor. Julia recently completed her District Governor Elect training and took office as the District Governor at the International Convention held in Boston last month. She is the first in this role from Noblesville since 1965. In addition to her District Governor role, she serves as Vice Council Chair for the state council of governors.
The Lions Club is a service-based organization established in 1917. Today, they have 1.4 million members with clubs across the globe. Their mission is to serve and bring serve-minded individuals together to give their time and effort to improving their community and the world. Together they aim to make an impact on global causes including diabetes, vision, hunger, childhood cancer, and protecting and restoring the environment to improve the well-being of all communities.
Julia was awarded her diploma by her class trainer, Past District Governor Chief Bassey Edem of Nigeria.
“I love being a Lion because ‘We Serve’ is not just our motto, it is our mission,” said Julia. “We serve people in Indiana and around the world and we have fun and build community in the process. If you are looking for a chance to serve and connect with other people who are wanting to serve, the Lions are looking for you.”
In addition to her involvement in the Lions Club, Julia has served as a three-time chair of the Corporate Counsel section of the Indiana State Bar Association, past president of the Noblesville Beta Epsilon chapter of Tri Kappa, served on the Conner Prairie Museum board of trustees, and sat on multiple committees for her church, the Noblesville First United Methodist Church. Julia has demonstrated service and leadership during her participation in the Richard G. Lugar Excellence in Public Service Series (Class of 2009) and Hamilton County Leadership Academy (Class of 2003). She was awarded HCLA Alumnae of the Year in 2009, served as the HCLA board president in 2007, and was Dean of the HCLA 2010-2011 class.
CCHA Law is immensely proud of Julia for her public service and leadership. Read more about Julia or reach out to her directly, here.